The Hudson Valley Figure Skating Club would like to recognize one skater each month for their hard-work, success, and merit. Our first "Skater of the Month" is Isabella Paes!

Isabella Paes started skating at Ice Time in the Learn to Skate Program at the age of 4. She enjoyed skating over other sports because she "doesn't sweat as much." (Don't mention this to the coaches though!) Her first coach, Aaron Gunderson-Smith helped create a solid foundation, while her current coaches– Oleg Makarov and Larisa Selezneva– have strengthened her skills. She loves the group of friends she has made. They are a BIG reason (other than not sweating) as to why she loves Figure Skating.

Isabella's currently a Second Grader at Tuxedo Park School and has two younger brothers who are great at annoying her. Her favorite colors are turquoise, baby pink, and gold.

Currently, Isabella's favorite on-ice moves are the Sit-Spin and Loop Jump. She recently mastered her Lutz, and has been working on new things like Axels and Camel Spins. This year, Isabella has dramatically increased her efforts on the ice, and the results definitely are showing!

When she isn't working hard on the ice, or working up a sweat in off-ice, Isabella can be found curling up with a good book or playing "Ninjagos" with her brothers. Congratulations to Isabella for being January's "Skater of the Month," we are all so very proud of you!