Just days before the Empire State Winter Games Opening Ceremonies, our club members will have the opportunity to run the Torch across the Walkway Over the Hudson!
To kick off the Games, a Torch Relay travels all the way from Chelsea Piers in New York City to Lake Placid for Thursday Night's Opening Ceremonies. Last year our group had a blast participating in the torch run, and we invite everyone who is available this year to join us! This is a great way to get members motivated and inspired leading up to the competition, and is also an amazing way for the skaters to be celebrated for their hard work throughout the season.
The Relay will be held on Monday, January 27th at the Walkway Over the Hudson around 7:30 A.M. (Yes, skaters will have to skip morning classes that day!) Keep checking your inbox, our Facebook Page, and of course our site for more updates leading up to this event.
If you're planning on attending, please RSVP on our events page.
Hope to see you all there to represent the Hudson Valley Figure Skating Club!
Read Last Year's Article on Our Torch Run: https://www.dailyfreeman.com/news/local-news/empire-state-games-torch-relay-passes-through-mid-hudson-valley/article_7420ef14-24ad-11e9-b4d7-f794320b53eb.html
Past Stops (2019): https://www.empirestatewintergames.com/sports/torch-relay
Inaugural Torch Relay Information: https://www.empirestatewintergames.com/news/2018/01/inaugural-torch-relay